Jesus never intended to be someone you add to your life but rather someone you serve.

About Dennis

About Dennis

A little bit of background to who he is and his heart.

Dennis Heppner grew up in Canada and was called to ministry as a young boy. Dennis and his wife Denie, who was also called to missions as a child, pastored four churches in Canada, but in 1987 the door opened to come to the Philippines as missionaries. They brought their 4 eldest children with them and the kids grew up there. In 2006 they adopted Emma Rose, a special Filipino treasure and a gift from God to their family.

Raising High

The Name Of


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Life Lessons

Here are some lessons I have learned over the course of my life and ministry. I hope they can be an encouragement to you.
  1. Life is not always fair
  2. You will have to let go of the past before you can move on
  3. Love is always a choice
  4. You will always reap what you sow in every area of life
  5. There is a God who always loves us
  6. Luck is usually on the side of those who work hard
  7. I am not perfect
  8. The Bible is right all the time
  9. I will give an account of my life to God
  10. Miracles still happen today
Topics of Discussion

Topics of Discussion

Dennis has a heart for making and growing disciples of Jesus. During his years of ministry he has gained wisdom and knowledge to share. Check out these topics.